death-bed repentence

Posted by TAWNY at 12:28 PM

Friday, April 23, 2010

The night before I go in for a dental cleaning, I tend to have a certain bit of remorse, or as I like to call it death-bed repentence.

I start thinking things like I really should have flossed more during the last six months or did I really have to eat so much sugar?
A certain amount of anxiety starts to build within me as I think about all my past dental transgressons.
I really hate going to the dentist. It probably stems from a mixture of pain and money. Both of which I don't want to dispurse.
I arrived at Barry Family Dental at 8 am sharp this morning. As the dental assistant walked me back to the dreaded chair, she attempted to make small chit-chat, as they always do. She asked how I was doing. I replied, "Well, I wish I was having a filling so I could have some of that gas." She laughed at me and said, "Oh we can totally give you some of that anyway."
I stared at her in disbelief. Really? You would dispense nitrous oxide to me for a simple cleaning? A million thoughts raced thru my head (am I a baby for getting the gas for a cleaning? would my insurance find this legit? am I in heaven?) in a matter of the 1 second it took for me to say yes, I would love that.
Turned out to be a delightful morning. For the most part.
Dr. Dave informed me that everything looked good except for this one tiny tooth. Years ago (when they still did silver fillings) I had my #5 tooth worked on for a cavity. Underneath it's silver filling, is a bit of a problem that needs to be worked on. A build-up, crown and $400 later, the tooth should be in good shape (well, what will be left of it, of course).
Oh, the pleasures of the dentist's office.